發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2011-04-22 [影評]告白-Confessions (96826) (17)
2011-04-15 [影評]噬血童話-Let Me In (14581) (3)
2011-04-04 [影評]復仇者-Man of Vendetta (5361) (0)
2011-03-26 [影評]刑房:恐怖星球-Grindhouse:Planet Terror (15963) (2)
2011-03-18 [影評]火線追緝令-Se7en (51771) (11)
2011-03-13 [影評]百萬殺人實驗-The Box (22794) (15)
2011-03-12 [影評]生存遊戲-Stay Alive (26108) (5)
2011-03-06 [影評]地獄魔咒-Drag Me to Hell (54261) (15)
2011-02-28 [影評]我唾棄你的墳墓-I Spit on Your Grave (212348) (21)
2011-02-25 [影評]絕命派對-Invitation Only (19353) (6)
2011-02-19 [影評]致命ID-Identity (70943) (10)
2011-02-04 [影評]歡迎來到殺人勝地-Turistas (36584) (3)
2011-02-02 [影評]猛鬼大學-Haunted Universities (7241) (6)
2011-01-30 [影評]3D血腥情人節-My Bloody Valentine 3D (13834) (4)
2011-01-25 [影評]大逃殺-Battle Royale (96994) (15)
2011-01-22 [影評]入侵腦細胞-The Cell (58777) (7)
2011-01-16 [影評]黯陰羊-Black Sheep (24188) (7)
2011-01-14 [影評]靈異小說-Bestseller (17032) (1)
2011-01-09 [影評]惡靈電梯-The Devil (61660) (10)
2010-12-28 [影評]人肉拼盤-Scarce (5828) (5)
2010-12-24 [影評]維多利亞壹號-Dream Home (41476) (6)
2010-12-20 [影評]童眼3D-Child's Eye (19508) (3)
2010-12-12 [影評]下雪總比流血好 - Dead Snow (8380) (3)
2010-12-07 [影評]3D食人魚-Piranha 3-D (14308) (4)
2010-11-28 [影評]看見魔鬼-I Saw the Devil (64247) (10)
2010-11-25 [影評]活人甡吃-Shuan of The Dead (13783) (4)
2010-11-20 [影評]恐怖休息站-Rest Stop (32944) (4)
2010-11-15 [影評]梨泰院殺人事件-The Case Of Itaewon Homicide (23487) (5)
2010-11-09 [影評]鬼片-Coming Soon (12481) (2)
2010-10-31 [影評]黑暗之家-Black House (14028) (3)
2010-10-28 [影評]終極戰士團-Predators 2010 (58148) (12)
2010-10-19 [影評]佛萊迪大戰傑森之開膛破肚-Freddy VS Jason (56632) (5)
2010-10-11 [影評]惡靈古堡4:陰陽界-Resident Evil : Afterlife (18898) (9)
2010-10-04 [影評]殺人回憶-Memories of Murder (63522) (8)
2010-09-30 [影評]暗黑天使-Legion (45463) (15)
2010-09-21 [影評]活死人之島-Survival of Dead (19290) (1)
2010-09-17 [影評]顫慄100步-100 Feet (12443) (3)
2010-09-14 [影評]靈異生死線-After Life (76025) (3)
2010-09-10 [影評]天啟四騎士-The Horseman (29169) (6)
2010-09-07 [影評]3D奪魂殺-3D Scar (3180) (0)
2010-09-02 [影評]索命條碼-Repo Men (30542) (6)
2010-08-30 [影評]奪魂夜車-Night Train (3448) (2)
2010-08-24 [影評]孤兒怨-Orphan (109336) (11)
2010-08-21 [影評]異次元殺陣-Cube (21070) (4)
2010-08-16 [影評]預言-Premonition (9665) (3)
2010-08-10 [影評]大劊人心-Funny Games (16725) (4)
2010-08-01 [影評]原罪犯-Oldboy (60012) (10)
2010-07-31 [影評]39號特案-Case 39 (82385) (6)
2010-07-26 [影評]繼父疼死你(冷血繼父)-The Stepfather (20310) (4)
2010-07-20 [影評]咒怨白老婦&咒怨黑少女-The Grudge Old Lady In White & The Grudge Girl In Black (27535) (3)