發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2010-07-15 [影評]死靈陷阱-Evil Dead Trap (2383) (8)
2010-07-10 [影評]連體陰-Alone (19250) (4)
2010-07-08 [影評]終極面試-Exam (31609) (4)
2010-06-30 [影評]人骨拼圖-The Bone Collector (25268) (2)
2010-06-28 [影評]絕命終結站4-Final Desitnation 4 (7608) (12)
2010-06-25 [書評] 黑暗之家 - 貴志祐介 (未讀可入) (4531) (1)
2010-06-24 [影評]血世紀-Daybreakers (12729) (0)
2010-06-21 [影評]沉默之丘-Silent Hill (44248) (18)
2010-06-19 [影評]戰慄迷宮3D-The Shock Labyrinth 3D (38275) (6)
2010-06-16 [影評]隔離島-Shutter Island (36821) (7)
2010-06-08 [影評]恐怖旅舍-Hostel (76935) (4)
2010-06-05 [影評]七日綁票令-Seven Days (21035) (2)
2010-06-02 [影評]顫慄異次元-Pandorum (44113) (5)
2010-05-31 [影評]康乃狄克鬼屋事件-The Haunting In Connecticut (28444) (6)
2010-05-26 [影評]惡夜30-30 Days Of Night (37689) (3)
2010-05-25 [書評] 彼岸島 - 松本光司 (5550) (0)
2010-05-24 [影評]鬼鈴聲-One Missed Call (15351) (3)
2010-05-21 [影評]惡靈07月光光心慌慌-Halloween (15237) (2)
2010-05-18 [影評]追擊者-Chaser (35535) (2)
2010-05-14 [影評]史蒂芬金之迷霧驚魂-The Mist (76227) (14)
2010-05-10 [影評]屍心瘋-The Crazies (47692) (3)
2010-05-07 [影評]恐怖蠟像館-House of Wax (88166) (15)
2010-05-04 [影評]609猛鬼附身-Rahtree Reborn (26030) (4)
2010-04-29 [影評]靈異拼圖-The Forgotten (7200) (2)
2010-04-27 [影評]迷失三角洲-Triangle (21905) (7)
2010-04-21 [影評]終棘警探-Hot Fuzz (7512) (4)
2010-04-18 [影評]女生殺人宿舍-Sorority Row (27954) (3)
2010-04-12 [影評]鬼4虐-Phobia (16459) (4)
2010-04-09 [影評]左邊最後那棟房子-The Last House On The Left (52691) (4)
2010-04-06 [影評]歡迎光臨死亡小鎮-Dead Silence (41218) (11)
2010-04-02 [影評]殺人犯-Murderer (13874) (3)
2010-04-01 [影評]午夜人肉列車-Midnight Meat Train (54646) (13)
2010-03-30 [影評]鬼亂5-Phobia 2 (28478) (2)
2010-03-30 [影評]蜜月變奏曲-A Perfect Getaway (11247) (4)
2010-03-29 [影評]絕命帶原者-Carriers (21181) (1)
2010-03-29 [影評]13駭人遊戲-13 Beloved (9451) (2)
2010-03-25 [影評]日本恐怖之夜-Dark Tale of Japan (7053) (3)
2010-03-24 [影評]狗屋-Doghouse (7298) (0)
2010-03-24 [影評]人肉麵線-Meat Grinder (19541) (7)
2010-03-03 [影評]屍樂園-Zombieland (20482) (2)
2010-02-28 [影評]嚇破膽-Ghost Ship (62531) (14)