發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2014-09-19 [影評]人肉叉燒包 - The Untold Story (126293) (24)
2014-08-05 [影評]靈異駭客 - Stir of Echoes (3767) (5)
2014-07-14 [影評]血肉森林 - Cabin Fever (46196) (4)
2014-06-13 [影評]凶地 - Still 2 (13998) (7)
2014-06-01 [影評]我的恐怖室友 - Roommate (48753) (4)
2014-04-12 [影評]殭屍 - Rigor Mortis (80678) (15)
2014-03-25 [影評]真心話大冒險 - Truth or Die (60002) (11)
2013-12-18 [影評]Live殺人網站 - Untraceable (16076) (5)
2013-10-28 [影評]屍變-Evil Dead 2013 (75696) (7)
2013-10-05 [影評]鬼夜之迷離夜 - Tales from the Dark 1 (55046) (6)
2013-09-25 [影評]提款機殺人夜 - ATM (28856) (17)
2013-08-26 [影評]國定殺戮日-The Purge (185771) (31)
2013-08-23 [影評]3D 食人魚2:全面獵殺-Piranha 3DD (20073) (8)
2013-08-09 [影評]兩個月亮-Two Moons (14091) (2)
2013-07-13 [影評]死亡礦坑-Dead Mine (41873) (6)
2013-07-06 [影評]撕裂地平線-Event Horizon (73603) (15)
2013-06-25 [影評]母侵-Mama (95657) (12)
2013-06-09 [影評]破天慌 - The Happening (31735) (7)
2013-06-04 [影評]惡之教典-Lesson Of The Evil (89451) (19)
2013-05-26 [影評]笑臉殺手-Smiley (15233) (8)
2013-05-19 [影評]沉默之丘2:啟示錄 - Silent Hill 2: Revelation 3D (46254) (15)
2013-05-14 [影評]倒數夜驚魂-Countdown (17882) (16)
2013-05-04 [影評]追兇-Fairy Tale Killer (27390) (3)
2013-05-02 [影評]完全殺人劇場-Inbred (24732) (2)
2013-04-21 [影評]窒命寫真-Captivity (22800) (2)
2013-04-17 [影評]惡狼ID-Cry Wolf (8382) (4)
2013-03-30 [影評]生日劊樂3D-My Soul to Take (13932) (0)
2013-03-20 [影評]鄰人13號-The Neighbor NO. 13 (6067) (3)
2013-03-11 [影評]凶兆-Sinister (122627) (13)
2013-03-03 [影評]貞子3D-Sadako 3D (11709) (6)
2013-02-26 [影評]獵男姐妹團 - Girls Against Boys (14198) (0)
2013-02-22 [影評]蒐屍魔-The Collection (68222) (15)
2013-01-31 [影評]棄城Z108 - Zombie 108 (29250) (5)
2013-01-20 [影評]約翰最後死了-John Dies at the End (10821) (5)
2013-01-08 [影評]睡魔夜驚魂-Eddie: The Sleepwalking Cannibal (5374) (4)
2013-01-07 [影評]吸血鬼獵人:林肯總統-Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (27788) (2)
2012-12-31 [影評]一部塞爾維亞電影-A Serbian Film (57391) (14)
2012-12-16 [影評]神鬼仲裁-The Outlaw (9501) (1)
2012-12-10 [影評]劫匪與僵屍-Cockneys VS Zombies (7843) (0)
2012-12-01 [影評]靈異豪宅-Dream House (21614) (2)
2012-11-22 [影評]靈異萬聖夜-Trick 'r Treat (42602) (4)
2012-11-15 [影評]異形魔種-Splinter (18511) (4)
2012-11-03 [影評]大追捕-Nightfall (31045) (2)
2012-10-21 [影評]魚-Gyo (30318) (21)
2012-09-30 [影評]深入絕地-The Descent (84160) (15)
2012-09-20 [影評]下一站地獄-Train (19177) (4)
2012-09-02 [影評]詭屋-The Cabin in the Woods (127634) (11)
2012-08-24 [影評]鬼4厲-Four (6890) (0)
2012-08-19 [影評]7號禁地3D - Sector 7 (18931) (2)
2012-08-04 [影評]吸血鬼就在隔壁-Fright Night (21143) (4)