目前分類:驚悚/懸疑 (144)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要
發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2012-07-03 [影評]失嬰記-Rosemary's Baby (28872) (4)
2012-06-18 [影評]孤島驚魂-Mysterious Island (39227) (1)
2012-04-15 [影評]神殿-The Shrine (7992) (2)
2012-03-20 [影評]龍紋身的女孩-The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (59839) (2)
2012-03-08 [影評]鬼店-The Shining (243987) (85)
2012-01-04 [影評]停車場夜驚魂-P2 (33823) (8)
2011-12-04 [影評]自殺俱樂部-Suicide Club (38132) (6)
2011-10-15 [影評]B+偵探-The Detective 2 (14418) (2)
2011-10-05 [影評]茱莉亞的眼睛-LOS OJOS DE JULIA (7714) (1)
2011-09-03 [影評]驚聲尖叫4-Scream 4 (12236) (3)
2011-08-25 [影評]血之期中考2-Death Bell2:Bloody Camp (15905) (0)
2011-06-26 [影評]算計:七日死亡遊戲-The Incite Mill (16711) (3)
2011-06-19 [影評]聊天弒-Chatroom (3376) (2)
2011-06-15 [影評]深夜FM-Midnight FM (8080) (2)
2011-05-08 [影評]歡迎來到殺人學校-F (2092) (1)
2011-04-22 [影評]告白-Confessions (96823) (17)
2011-04-15 [影評]噬血童話-Let Me In (14579) (3)
2011-04-04 [影評]復仇者-Man of Vendetta (5361) (0)
2011-03-18 [影評]火線追緝令-Se7en (51770) (11)
2011-02-19 [影評]致命ID-Identity (70939) (10)
2011-01-14 [影評]靈異小說-Bestseller (17029) (1)
2011-01-09 [影評]惡靈電梯-The Devil (61660) (10)
2010-11-15 [影評]梨泰院殺人事件-The Case Of Itaewon Homicide (23487) (5)
2010-10-31 [影評]黑暗之家-Black House (14027) (3)
2010-10-04 [影評]殺人回憶-Memories of Murder (63522) (8)
2010-09-14 [影評]靈異生死線-After Life (76020) (3)
2010-09-10 [影評]天啟四騎士-The Horseman (29168) (6)
2010-08-30 [影評]奪魂夜車-Night Train (3448) (2)
2010-08-24 [影評]孤兒怨-Orphan (109334) (11)
2010-08-01 [影評]原罪犯-Oldboy (60012) (10)
2010-07-31 [影評]39號特案-Case 39 (82370) (6)
2010-07-26 [影評]繼父疼死你(冷血繼父)-The Stepfather (20309) (4)
2010-07-08 [影評]終極面試-Exam (31608) (4)
2010-06-30 [影評]人骨拼圖-The Bone Collector (25263) (2)
2010-06-16 [影評]隔離島-Shutter Island (36821) (7)
2010-06-05 [影評]七日綁票令-Seven Days (21035) (2)
2010-05-18 [影評]追擊者-Chaser (35535) (2)
2010-04-29 [影評]靈異拼圖-The Forgotten (7200) (2)
2010-04-27 [影評]迷失三角洲-Triangle (21905) (7)
2010-04-21 [影評]終棘警探-Hot Fuzz (7512) (4)
2010-04-18 [影評]女生殺人宿舍-Sorority Row (27953) (3)
2010-04-02 [影評]殺人犯-Murderer (13874) (3)
2010-03-30 [影評]蜜月變奏曲-A Perfect Getaway (11246) (4)
2010-03-29 [影評]13駭人遊戲-13 Beloved (9451) (2)